Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Going, going, gone

Hi everyone! We are closing the gap between us and Honduras! We've arrived to our gate at the airport and are awaiting the arrival of our plane. We are set to depart at approximately 11am...shortly after we expected. We are very excited to arrive in Honduras shortly and looking forward to a solid few days of service work. Thank you for keeping track of us you have and thank you to everyone who helped us make this happen. A couple days ago, it felt like we might never get to this point; but everyone has been great about getting through everything that was thrown at us. We have overcome almost unbeatable odds and discouraging challenges, and we have done so with every ounce of positivity that we've been able to keep with us! We are doing well and monitoring everyone's well-being with a close eye. We are that much closer to our final destination, and our trudging through the adventures has taught us valuable lessons and allowed us to grow as individuals and as a group!

Regions in our country have been experiencing bizarre and at times severe weather. This winter has been completely unpredictable and we have witnessed that firsthand. This will definitely be a trip to remember and one we will tell future generations about. How fantastic that we have been able to do this (despite its unconventionality)!

Thank you to everyone who has been involved in this trip in anyway! Thank you to the families and parents who have trusted us to take care of your loved ones. I personally promise to do this with every bit of energy I have! Our club officers and trip chaperon, Caren, have been very effective and efficiently making decisions for the benefit of the whole group. I vow to make sure that everyone is safe, healthy, and have their needs met. Caren has kept an ever watchful eye on everyone, trip leader, Doug will do the same upon arrival. Strong leaders have emerged out of this experience and many lessons learned. We have all had a chance to get to know each other in a way we never thought possible and are a stronger team for it!

Updated itinerary has us arriving and settling into the hotel in Danli later this evening. Parents will be notified when we arrive, via our contacts in Castleton. After getting settled in rooms, having dinner, team meeting/orientation to Honduras, and a good nights sleep, we will be prepared for our first day of work. Projects include school construction, a non-profit painting project, and an activity with a local school. Everyone has something to look forward to and everyone will be doing commendable work to help those in need. We will deliver our donations to their destinations as soon as possible and share smiles with the recipients!

Will continue to keep everyone informed. Looking forward to warmer weather and using helping hands!

Thank you,


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